Residential Cell Phone Booster
A cell phone signal booster (also known as amplifier or repeater) is made up of three main elements - exterior antenna, amplifier, and interior antenna. They form a wireless system to boost cellular reception.
Home Theater
A home theater and a theater room are home entertainment audio-visual systems that seek to reproduce a movie theater experience and mood using consumer electronics-grade video and audio equipment that is set up in a room or backyard of a private home
Voice Control
Voice control cloud services that receive voice commands from smart speakers and other devices, turn speech to text, interpret the resulting language, detect the intent of the command, and use “skills” to determine and execute appropriate actions; either through the smart speakers or through actions of other devices in the home that are connected to the Internet.
Home Security
A home security system is a network of devices that all work together to secure your home. A typical system comes with a control panel, door and window sensors, motion detectors, a high decibel alarm, and signs for your yard and windows
Smart Door Lock
Simply put, a smart lock replaces traditional door locks and keys with an electronic lock with smart tech features for improved security and safety
Automated Lighting
Lighting Automation is the discipline of creating automated changes in lighting levels to affect mood, emphasize architecture, illuminate art, and influence action.
Home Network
A home network or home area network (HAN) is a type of computer network that facilitates communication among devices within the close vicinity of a home. Devices capable of participating in this network, for example, smart devices such as network printers and handheld mobile computers, often gain enhanced emergent capabilities through their ability to interact. These additional capabilities can be used to increase the quality of life inside the home in a variety of ways, such as automation of repetitive tasks, increased personal productivity, enhanced home security, and easier access to entertainment.

Mantel Mount
The multi-award-winning pulldown TV mount specifically designed for safely pulling a large flat screen TV down over the fireplace to optimal eye-level.
Swimming Pool Automation
Automation to suit any backyard environment. Takes work out of pool and spa by automating all work-intensive functions, such as sanitation, balancing PH, cleaning, and filtration.

is the installation of “structured wiring” inside the home's walls and floors that can pass low-voltage electronic signals to devices that you'll eventually install, like TVs, multiroom audio setups and security/home monitoring systems.